
Zengun is committed to ensuring that any irregularities that could harm employees or the company are identified and investigated as early as possible. Zengun believes this is essential for conducting its operations in a sustainable and long-term manner. To facilitate the reporting of misconduct that breaches applicable laws, ethics, morals, or Zengun’s code of conduct, the company has therefore established a whistleblowing service. Through this channel, employees and business partners can provide information while being guaranteed complete anonymity. All reports are received and investigated by an external party.

Please note that the whistleblowing function is not intended for reporting minor infringements or for expressing general dissatisfaction or complaints.

Zengun’s Whistleblower Policy

Our Code of Conduct

Zengun builds for the future and strives to be a driving force in the development of the construction industry, steering toward sustainable community building. The starting point is that sustainable construction is central to creating the right conditions and taking responsibility for future generations. Therefore, sustainability is a natural part of our daily work at every level.

  • A driving force in the development of the construction industry.
  • Sustainable construction is central to creating the right conditions.
  • A natural part of daily work at every level.


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