The projects scope is roughly 30.000 sqm gross area. Some advance works are already underway, such as foundation work and the installation of lintels on the tunnel, on which the building will be situated.
- We are extremely proud of being entrusted with bringing this future landmark to fruition together with Vectura, not least for themselves, but also for Hagastaden and the city of Stockholm. We approach this project not only with great humility, but also with confidence, competence, and creative ambition. We are sure that we are going to be a part of creating one of our times, and Stockholms, most exciting buildings. We are just as sure that our cooperative culture and experience of large and complex projects in Stockholm will provide added value to the project, says Mick Salonen Högberg, CEO Zengun.
- Forskaren will be an international hub for innovation within life and health. A place where actors in life science make business and ideas grow. To create this place the construction project itself needs to be world class concerning the quality, sustainability, and innovation. We are really happy to have Zengun as our partner in this endeavour and are sure that they will contribute in realizing our vision, says Petter Ekevärn, Project Development Manager Vectura.
For additional information:
Mick Salonen Högberg, CEO Zengun, 070 569 66 73
Petter Ekevärn, Project Development Manager Vectura, 070 303 93 39
Zengun is one of the leading contractors in the Stockholm region. The company carries out construction projects assigned by well-known actors in the real estate sector. The main focus is on commercial real estate, but the company also has residential and public sector projects in its portfolio. Zengun is a full-service supplier and partner with customer-oriented work practices as an important part of its business model. The company has approx. 200 employees and with a turnover close to 3 billion SEK a year. #zengunbyggerstockholm