
Bond 2024-2028


Zengun Group AB (publ), org. nr: 559177-5282, (“Zengun”).


The Bonds

Senior Secured Sustainability-Linked Bonds with ISIN: SE0021486685.



The Bonds are freely transferable, but bondholders may be subject to purchase or transfer restrictions with regard to the Bonds, as applicable from time to time, under local laws to which a bondholder may be subject. Each Bondholder must ensure compliance with such restrictions at its own cost and expense.


Amount issued

The aggregate nominal amount of Bonds issued in the initial bond issue is MSEK 400, and the maximum total nominal amount of the Bonds (the initial bonds and all subsequent bonds) is MSEK 600.


First Issue Date

5 February 2024.


Nominal Amount and Denomination

The Bonds are denominated in SEK.

The initial nominal amount of each initial Bond is MSEK 1.25.

The maximum aggregate nominal amount of the initial bonds as at the first issue date is MSEK 400, and the maximum total nominal amount of the Bonds (the initial bonds and all subsequent bonds) may not exceed MSEK 600.



The Bonds carry a floating interest of STIBOR 3 months plus 6.35 per cent. per annum.


Sustainability Performance Targets (SPT)

SPT 1: Reduce scope 1 and 2 emissions (in relation to FTEs) with 15% by 2027 from baseline year 2022 (as further defined in the SLB framework)

SPT 2: Reduce scope 3 emissions (in relation to GFA) with 10% by 2027 from baseline year 2022 (as further defined in the SLB framework)


Sustainability Performance Premium

50 bps to be added to the final redemption price or early call price for each SPT not being met on the target observation date.

If bonds are redeemed, partially or in full, prior to maturity, the SPTs are measured on a linear basis.


Final Maturity Date

5 February 2028 (four (4) years after the first issue date (5 February 2024)).


Early redemption (Zengun’s call option)

Redemption may occur in accordance with clauses 9.3-9.4 in the full Terms and Conditions of the Bonds.


Events of Default and acceleration

The Bonds may be accelerated upon the occurrence of any event listed in clause 14 in the Terms and Conditions of the Bonds.


Credit rating

No credit rating has been assigned to Zengun or the Bonds.


Central Securities Depository

No physical notes will be issued. The Bonds will be registered with Euroclear Sweden AB in accordance with the Financial Instruments Accounts Act (Swe. Lag (1998:1479) om värdepapperscentraler och kontoföring av finansiella instrument). The Bonds will thus be registered for the bondholders on their respective securities accounts and no physical notes will be issued. Registration requests relating to the Bonds shall be directed to an account operator.

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